Yesterday’s run was really painful. Sharp acute pain on the top of my right foot. I ran on it regardless… I know very stupid of me. After 40 minutes though I decided to walk the rest. When I walk it’s really ok. It hurts when I move my foot certain ways, mainly sideways Also of course the impact caused by running is pretty painful.
Today the high heels have been kicked to da curb.
I need to see a doctor. Maybe some orthotics are in order ? My foot is pretty arched (oversupinated)
If I press on the area of 1st and 2nd metatarsusssess, where it meets the ankle, it hurts, and there is slight swelling as well. .
I do not like the treatment: REST. Ugh ! Marathon is less than a month away !! I'm gonna crawl my way to the finish line if I have to.
Google search result : Metatarsal Stress Fracture.
- Foot metatarsal pain which comes on gradually.
- Pain is located towards the mid/front of the foot.
- Pain is aggravated by weight bearing activities such as walking, running or dancing.
- Pain to touch the bone at the point it is broken.
- Swelling is often present.
- An X-ray will often not show the fracture until two or three weeks after it has started to heal.
What causes stress fractures?
- Over use!
- Too much training, too soon without enough rest!
- Oversupination (very arched foot)
- They are common in army recruits (often called a march fracture), runners, ballet dancers and gymnasts.
- Rest from weight bearing activities as much as possible.
- For those whose job requires them to weight bear, a walking boot may be used.
- The rest period should normally be around 4 weeks to allow sufficient healing.
- Recommence activities only once all pain on touch and walking have cleared.
- Start with a very slow return to activity and a gradual build of duration and intensity.
- If the stress fracture may have been caused by abnormal foot mechanics such as overpronation or oversupination then orthotics may be required to correct this.