Sunday, 19 June 2011

I DID IT !!!!

5:30am : alarm - breakfast (peanut butter toast with banana and glass of milk)
6:00am : outta here (I stopped at Tim Hortons for a small coffee. NEED my caffeine)
7:05 am : Arrive on marathon site
8:50 am : Start walking a bit to warm up
9:00 am : START !!!
I was at the end of the pack/hurd/peleton, here is a picture.

Route was verrrry hilly. Ouch.  Water and gatorade glasses were being given every uhm 3-4 km by vonlunteer workers, who also cheered us on. Last ... 2 km were VERY difficult.  I was exhausted. But I had read about that last stretch.
BUT I DID IT. I reached my goal. I RAN the whole thing. Uphill, downhill, you name it. I fucking RAN it baby !!.  First 2km I felt rusty, was debating whether I should stop like 30 sec to relax a bit, but I thought My goal is none other than do it without walking. So DO it and see what happens.
Well what happened is that I did it in about 1:15. (Official time : 1:15:24.3) (note : Time on monitor on the below picture says 1:18, but I was at the end of the hurd when we started so it did take me about 3 min walking to get to cross the starting line) Not a SUPER time, but I don't care.  This is a picture of me approaching the finish line. Ad & Ian were cheering me on in the crowd. At this point I was very emotional, seeing them just was sooo intense. The last 500m I gave it ALL I had, I felt like I was sprinting. LOL. Look at me on the picture, I'm not sprinting at ALL.  Ad told me that I looked very tired.

Some pictures after the race :

A lady offered to take a family picture.  I love my 2 guys, they were so proud of me.

Relaxing on marathon site after the race

This is what was waiting for me at home :-)

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start." John Bingham

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Pre-marathon week !

Tonight's run was great. The stretches are longer and longer. It was 5 days since my last run (had a huge hangover this weekend so didn't run), but it does my body good it seems !
I'm pretty sure I can pull off the 10k without walking. When I train I stop if my joints start to hurt too bad, I don't want to injure myself before the marathon, but on THE day, believe you me, the pain I will tolerate.

So tomorrow morning I have my first appointment with a sports-medicine doctor. My foot doesn't hurt anymore but I still want to go. I want to keep running even after the 10k on Sunday so might as well have a Dr. (don't even have a family doctor).

I will also google a good carbohydrate-rich menu for pre-marathon week. Gotta fuel up. I haven't followed any special diet during the training.  I'm sure it could have helped.

Here I am, just after my post-run shower, relaxed as can be. I am loving this journey.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Baby raccoon

For tonight's run I decided to go with no training plan like last time, i.e. let my body guide me. The start was pretty heavy. wowza.  My feet felt so heavy, like I had ski boots on.  I stopped more often that I would have liked.  After maybe 15-20 min in though, I hit my peak and did very long stretches.
Just before hitting my peak, look at what I saw moving about in the grass ! At a distance I thought it was a squirrel but as I approached and saw that it didn't run away, I thought Nah, can't be a squirrel.
And then I saw its face ! (insert cute baby voice here) A baby raccoooon !!! OMG !
He was making cooing sounds. I looked around to see if a mommy raccoon was around, but nowhere in sight. So I took out my blackberry and snapped some shots. I did wonder for a few seconds if I should bring him home and nurse him, but then thought I'd better not.  Give its mommy a chance to find him.

2 teenage boys on their BMXs rode by and they stopped. They were also gaga over the baby racoon. We discussed whether we should pick him up but decided against it. In case the mommy showed up. aawwww.

So back to the running part. It went pretty well.  Around 9km again (my usual route).  Aside from the weird start, it was really wonderful.  I just need to figure out how to get my body to its peak state on Marathon day.
When I got home I sat outside and enjoyed the cool air.
Motivation level : Pretty good !

Monday, 6 June 2011

Mrs Universe

OMG I feel SOOO great. Tonight's run was by far the best one yet.
My foot has felt normal ... hmm for about maybe 2-3 days now? We're talking completely normal, not sensitive nor tender when moved up, down, sideways, you name it. Just a happy go lucky foot.
So tonight I was sitting on the couch after supper just thinking that the marathon was 2 weeks away... Debating whether I should show up or not. Wondering how my cardio would be, if I would end up walking the whole damn thing. Thinking what a shame it was that I couldn't run anymore.

So a little motivation lightbulb turned on and I decided to throw on my running gear and give it a try.  Since it was hard to evaluate where to pick up with my training, as I had stopped for 10 days, I decided to listen to my body and run as far as I could.  Turned on my Rammstein playlist on shuffle, and hit the road
WELL.... I was on FIRE !!!!!!!!!!!!
Total run : 9km
I must have stopped maybe 4 times, to walk for 30 sec... So do the math.  A good 15 min run each interval.
And even when I got back home, I still had gas. 
But the best part is, I didn't focus on RUNNING itself.  My legs just kept going and I was just enjoying the music and feeling on top of the world.  I also think that the fact that I didn't have to wait until the "Walk now" cue allowed me to just let go. 

I am so curious to see how I will do on Marathon day.
I hope my body will be as resilient as it was tonight.