Monday, 6 June 2011

Mrs Universe

OMG I feel SOOO great. Tonight's run was by far the best one yet.
My foot has felt normal ... hmm for about maybe 2-3 days now? We're talking completely normal, not sensitive nor tender when moved up, down, sideways, you name it. Just a happy go lucky foot.
So tonight I was sitting on the couch after supper just thinking that the marathon was 2 weeks away... Debating whether I should show up or not. Wondering how my cardio would be, if I would end up walking the whole damn thing. Thinking what a shame it was that I couldn't run anymore.

So a little motivation lightbulb turned on and I decided to throw on my running gear and give it a try.  Since it was hard to evaluate where to pick up with my training, as I had stopped for 10 days, I decided to listen to my body and run as far as I could.  Turned on my Rammstein playlist on shuffle, and hit the road
WELL.... I was on FIRE !!!!!!!!!!!!
Total run : 9km
I must have stopped maybe 4 times, to walk for 30 sec... So do the math.  A good 15 min run each interval.
And even when I got back home, I still had gas. 
But the best part is, I didn't focus on RUNNING itself.  My legs just kept going and I was just enjoying the music and feeling on top of the world.  I also think that the fact that I didn't have to wait until the "Walk now" cue allowed me to just let go. 

I am so curious to see how I will do on Marathon day.
I hope my body will be as resilient as it was tonight.

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