Saturday, 16 April 2011

Week 1 / Last day - One down, nine to go !

Yesterday was supposed to be a training day but I worked and then picked up Ian and his friend came over, so no time to myself and Ian is too young to be left alone for an hour. 
So I took a day off yesterday...
Must not take 2 days off in a row !!
Wow this morning was verrry heavy duty.

I drove to my sister's place so she could watch over Ian while I ran.
My feet felt super heavy and I had a hard time getting really into it. 30 min in, I was feeling better though.
Only thing : my shins were really burning like crazy!! Wow... I. do. not.  want. shin splits !!! Gonna do my research on that. Any tips from other runners ? Even 1,5 hours after running, the area is still very warm to the touch.

I did manage a smile for all my fans out there. ;-)

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