So after work I had a dentist appointment... Came out of there with half of my skull numbed.
Here's my smile in the car right after. I'm not forcing it !Reminds me of Kramer in "The Jimmy" episode of Seinfeld when he's mistaken for an "Able Mentally Challenged Adult".
Well anyways. Cooked a light supper, lots of veggies, waited 30 min and then hit the road. It went so well.... I can't believe it. After Saturday's shin pain I thought it would be difficult, but not at all !! Some minor discomfort in the first half hour, but no more no less.,
Plus my cardio has already improved !!! After one week !!!This week's interval run : 2,5 min run, 2,5 min walk. Today I did 10x of that, for a total of 9km !!!
I feel grrreeeat ! (like Tony the Tiger)
Motivation level : wayyy high !
Wow - that sounds so awesome! So glad the shins didn't give you any more grief and holy crap you're funny with your post dentist smirk LOL!