Monday 23 May 2011

The twins got quite a ride tonight !

5 min running and 1 min walking.
After a 4-day self-imposed break from running, I decided to hit the road even if I was scared. Yep you read right: I was scared about this run. After last run where my body couldn't keep up, I actually thought that I'd hit my wall and that I wouldn't be able to improve anymore. I even had thoughts of quitting this whole thing. I know I know, I can deflate pretty quick - and I don't mean gas.  Luckily this 3-day weekend was lovely and relaxing and I just worked outside around the house and took a break from everything.
So tonight I decided to get back to my first route, i.e. the neighbourhood one.  I associate this route with "starting", with square one.  Went for the late-evening run, so fresh air, no traffic, it got dark outside while I ran.
Went like a CHARM !!
I don't know what's up with my cardio but it's never been this good. In. my. LIFE. The 5 minute runs didn't get me out of breath at all ! I could have went on, but stick to the plan I choose to. 
I'm so happy and proud of myself.
Nothing is ever perfect so tonight, the thing that was less than perfect was the a-hem... support part. remember how I mentioned earlier in this post that I was so relaxed all weekend ? Well I forgot to put on a bra when I went running. Ouch, my poor boobies. Needless to say that the twins got quite a ride !

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